Are we able to imagine a space which anyone could freely use and transform without imposing the maxim of “survival of the fittest?”

The Unofficial Proof project is based on the assumption that identity, and also the so-called reality around us, is fluid. We work with the idea that though performative mapping we can provide participants with an extraordinary opportunity to play while modelling new realities.

Collective project-making = modeling space

The project Unofficial Proof is an educative, performative-processual experiment. As a shifting collective of authors and performers, we focus on researching performative mapping, collective insight and urban interspatiality. We are drawn by “hybrid” spaces (anonymous realities) considered as neglected – spontaneous – ambivalent (odd or otherwise chaotic). These spaces possess a great level of dynamic energy. Various human and non-human actors are woven into this dynamic web and further support or disrupt its relationality. From this point of view, we can consider these spaces as possessing a high level of openness and ingenuity. We can observe them as local ecosystems – dynamic interfaces. Performative mapping is thus rather a platform within a frame, allowing for an improved development of imagination. It can thus become a product of a collective attempt at understanding the role of a given place. All the activities which constitute the UP project are focused on projects of [designing / mapping and modeling reality] which tend towards performativity.

Keywords: #performative mapping #performative architecture #performative urbanism #decoding locality #transition design #sensorial awareness, #generic mapping, #cognitive mapping, #multimodality, #gamedesign, #simulation games, #systemic thinking (and praxis)